Taller Waller



Electric Fencing

There is a growing need for higher levels of security. Electric fencing is an active intrusion prevention system which is proven to detect, delay and hurt (discourage/unnerve) intrusion attempts.

What we offer:

– New installations
– Repairs
– Services
– COC certification

We can also install a fence light: It is both reassuring and comforting to look at the fence light and see that the fence is active.

Precast walls and extensions

We supply and install high quality precast walls with a variety of designs. Ideal for residential, industrial and commercial sites.

What we offer:

– New precast walls

– Precast walling extensions

– Repairs to existing precast walls

– Straightening of precast walls

Important facts:

Enjoy a peaceful private lifestyle. Your safety starts with your perimeter fence which is your first layer of defense against criminal activity.

Untitled design

Gate and motors

You want to be able to open your gate swiftly upon your arrival at the entrance to your home. The entrance gate is what stands between you and the outside world. The first line of defence against criminals.

What we offer:

– New gate motor installations
– Gate motor repairs and services
– Battery back up
– Remote controls
– Ant-lift brackets
– Anti-theft brackets

Important facts:
Gate automation offers the ultimate sense of both safety and convenience.

Make safety your priority and fit it with the best!

Palisade fencing and gates

This is a popular type of perimeter fencing which offers both visual and physical deterrence for both residential and commercial properties. It is designed to stop the possibility of any intruder hiding behind it, giving you an unobscured view of the property.

What we offer:

– New installations
– Repairs
– Customised built Palisade gates
– Customised installations on new and existing
– Precast walls and any other existing precast wall

Important facts:

Strong and durable. No fence is impossible to climb but palisade makes it more difficult with the sharp spikes on the top. Combined with electric fencing on the top, it creates that physical barrier that makes it so much harder for criminals.


Clearview fencing

This distinctive, Clearview’s crisp, unobtrusive finish enhances the
appearance of any facility. It provides high security with exceptional fixtures and finishes.

What we offer:
– Supply and installation of new fences
– We can add another layer of security
by installing an electrical fence on top
of this fence.

Important facts:
Not easy to climb. Keep your property secured from all angles. Criminals can’t hide behind the Clearview fence. 

Wow Factor! Securing your property never looked so good.

Additional Layers of security

Think like a criminal when you evaluate your security requirements. Your security requirements can be compared to an onion with many layers. As you peel the onion off layer by layer you get closer to the core of the onion which is your home in this scenario.

The aim is to make it as hard as possible for the criminal to get to your house by adding additional layers of security such as:

– Cameras
– Outside beams
– Alarm systems

The aim should always be to detect the criminal before they get to your house.

Call us now to see how we can assist you.


taller waller the family friendly security specialist

"Whatever it takes"